Thursday, 29 December 2016

Nostalgic Cross Stitch patterns

Christmases at home always make me feel nostalgic.  I remember Christmases spent building cubby houses, watching DVDs (or videos), building marble racing tracks (which my parents had way more fun doing than us kids) and reading new books.  I'm a big one for Christmas traditions, and as my sibblings and I got older I began to long for the gold ol' days - back when my brothers enjoyed the Christmas preparations as much as I did, and joined in, back when everything felt magical and special.  I guess everyone goes through that stage as they get older, hit their teenage years where the magic of Christmas doesn't feel quite real anymore.  It does come back though, and I still find Christmas a magical, fun, traditional time, although not quite in the same way I did when I was 7 or 8.

Christmas nostalgia reminds me of my childhood and the things I enjoyed as a child - the TV shows and the music and the movies and the books I loved.  Which is probably why my latest cross stitch patterns feature these things.

Firstly there is The Incredibles.  I was a teenager when this movie came out, but I loved it immensely and it is still my favourite Disney Pixar film.  I'm always sad that there was only one of them.
The Incredibles, now available on Etsy
Then there are The Rugrats.  Lil and Phil were always my favourites.  In fact, there are two versions of The Rugrats patterns.  Firstly there is Tommy and his Friends, ready for mischief and adventure:
Rugrats now available on Etsy
The second pattern features all of the Rugrats families.  Stitch the whole pattern, or for a quicker project, why not stitch an individual family?
Rugrats Families, now available on Etsy
I hope you are all enjoying the holidays, however you are spending them.

Happy stitching!

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

2016: A year of ups and downs

This morning we woke up to the sad news that Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) had passed away.  2016 has certainly been a rough year - Brexit, the Australian elections (with more backstabbing and "he said, she said" than usual, and a very volatile senate), the US election, more unexpected celebrity deaths than we can count.  My two cats died within five weeks of each other.  That was really rough.
The Awkward Yeti summed up the
year nicely in this cartoon
(c) Nick Seluk
Personally, 2016 has also been a year of good things - I moved to Brisbane to start work at a new school (which is going well).  Moving to Brisbane has meant I'm closer to two of my brothers and can catch up with them for board-game afternoons more regularly, as well as several old school friends. I was in England when the year started, catching up with old friends. I've been to the theatre several times - so much easier now I live in Brisbane!
This year I went purple, dressed up as Leia for my yongest brother's 21st,
played boardgames, and visited the UK
Fangirl Stitches did well in 2016: I exhibited at three different conventions and met some amazing fellow exhibitors, as well as lots of fellow geeky stitchers.  On that note, I also met Nathan Fillion and John Barrowman, as well as Piper and Leo from Charmed, Tonks and Seamus from Harry Potter, Osgood, Danny and Missy from Doctor Who, and Xena the Warrior Princess.  They signed my cross stitch pieces and all said nice things about them.
Markets and minions - House of Fandom Market Brisbane, Oz Comic Con Melbourne
Oz Comic Con Brisbane, and Supanova Brisbane
My signed cross stitch pieces
I originally sat down this morning to write a post about Carrie Fisher, and about how crappy this year has been from a world-wide stand-point.  But then I looked at my mum's fridge covered in family photos and I stopped to think about it.  I thought about my cousin's baby, born at 24 weeks who is at home now and meeting his adjusted milestones.  I thought about another cousin who gave birth on New Year's Day, and a third who gave birth yesterday (I have 24 first-cousins - it can get confusing).  I thought about my exchange-student brother from Japan whose wife gave birth earlier in the year. I thought about yet another cousin who graduated from High School this year.  I thought about close friends who got married in January, and in April (along with another cousin), and a friend who got engaged a couple of weeks ago. I thought about a cousin and a friend who both (independent of each other) successfully launched (and funded) their first card games on Kickstarter. I bet none of them would say that 2016 was a crappy year.

Every year will have its ups and downs.  Sure, 2016 had a lot of downs, but there were also a lot of highs personally, professionally, and even in the world at large.  2016 will be remembered for the good, as well as for the bad.  I'm going to concentrate on the good, and see the year out with a smile.
Ready to see in the New Year with a bang...
well, a cup of tea and comfy pj's anyway!
Happy Stitching.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

How do they rise up? The Glorious 25th May

Truth! Justice! Freedom! Reasonably-Priced Love! A Hard Boiled Egg!

Once again it is the 25th May, when we celebrate all things Pratchett.  I wrote a blog about the importance of the 25th May, and my impressions of the book it comes from, Night Watch, this time last year.  You can find that blog post here: Truth, Justice, Freedom, Reasonably-priced Love, and a Hard Boiled Egg.

Even more important, there's a free pattern in that blog post, featuring the 25th May battle cry and sprigs of lilac.  Don't forget to check it out.

Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

The Great Washing Disaster of 2016 - Part 2: The Solution

In my previous blog post, I shared how my Supernatural cross stitch piece had been ruined in the wash when the dye in the fabric ran, staining everything a bluey-purple.

However, all was not lost.  Through her twilter contacts, my mother (who has her own blog here) had found a solution: Baby Savers had a post on How To Make Your Own Colour Catching Laundry Sheets.
If any dye from the clothes in your washing bleeds into the water, your homemade colour catcher will "trap" the dye molecules and keep them from bleeding on to the lighter fabrics.
It was amazing!  You can see the difference yourself in the pictures below - the first is the original, the second shows the colour bleed, and the third shows the final piece.  I couldn't believe how white the white had once again become, without fading the other thread colours.  The background fabric is a lot lighter than it was originally (obviously - since all the blue had wound up in the water!) but it sill looks fantastic and I'm over the moon.
And because it worked so well, I wanted to share the steps with you all, just in case you have your own colour disaster in the future.  These steps are from Baby Savers with a few adjustments/ additions from me.

Making A Colour Catcher

What you need:

Using the Colour Catches

You'll need to re-treat the colour catcher fabric before you can use it again - but that's okay because you have a handy supply waiting and ready to go.

As I said earlier - this worked like a charm and my cross stitch piece was returned to its former (albeit lighter) glory.  I'm not sure how it will go on the 15 year old piece, but I'm going to give it a try this week just in case.

Happy stitching,


Thursday, 19 May 2016

The Great Washing Disaster of 2016 - part 1

I'm sure we've all experienced it at one time or another - that moment when you open the washing machine, or peer into the bucket of hand washing, and water has changed colour.  Things that were once white are now... not.

There's been a colour run. Whether it's the fabric that has leaked colour, or a particular colour of thread; whether its in a small spot or over the whole project it doesn't matter.

When it comes to hand stitching or sewing, it can be a gut-wrenching moment: your stomach drops, your heart stops.  All those long hours spent working on a project and now it's ruined.  I have a piece I worked on as part of a Girl Guide project 15 years ago.  I'd used no-name thread scraps, and the dark red ran, ruining the project.  It got shoved to one side - never fixed, never finished, and so I never got the particular badge I was working towards.  Still makes me sad when I see it in my "to be finished" pile.
The piece from 15 years ago.  The corners ran :(
Most recently, it was my Supernatural Alphabet - the piece I stitched for the A-Z challenge.  I'd stitched the piece on hand-dyed fabric from Sew It All.  I've never had a problem with their fabrics before.  It was a rooky mistake - I forgot to wash the fabric before I started the project, so it's all on me.  I put the finished piece in water to rinse off the wash-out-pen I'd used for the lines, and to clean it before framing.  I left it to soak for a minute while I dried/hung out the other finished piece.  I turned around and my heart sank.

The water was blue.

I couldn't believe it.  All that hard work and now this.  I pulled it out immediately, but the damage was done.  The white areas were now purple.  The people all looked blue and sickly.  The pale yellow... wasn't. 
The before and after.  The lighting was very different when I took
the second picture, but you can see the blue/purple dress and skin
I did what any self-respecting, independent 31 year old would do.  I texted my mother.

Then I did a Google search.  The results were mixed, with some people saying "stitch over it and make it look better" but that doesn't really help when it's the whole piece.  Another site said "don't put it through the dryer - the heat will set the colour" which is useful to know, but didn't solve the problem.  Still others said "rinse immediately before the colour has time to set".  So I rinsed - only to release more colour.  No!!  
The most common tip seemed to be "rinse in synthrapol".  I'd never heard of synthrapol; according to this website I found "synthrapol is a special detergent used in pre-scouring fibres before dyeing, and in washing out fibre reactive dyes after dyeing."  I was willing to give anything a go to save my project.  I ordered some express delivery. 

A couple of days later my mother sent me another text message:

What was the suggestion and how did it go you ask?  You'll have to come back for part 2 to find out! ;)

Happy stitching,


Monday, 16 May 2016

Some sad news...

It's taken me a week to find the brain-power to write tonight's blog post.  Or to write anything really.  However I know I need to write this before I can move on to more light-hearted Fangirl-Stitchy-ness.

A week ago I had to say goodbye to my fur-baby Skimbles.

I understand if you stop reading at that point.  I probably would.

Skimbles didn't come home last Thursday night (Thursday week I mean).  After two days of waiting, looking, and thinking he was gone for good, Skimbles appeared on the front porch Sunday morning.  I was ecstatic, very happy, and very thankful.  He looked a bit stiff and slow, but I figured that was due to being outside for two days and three nights, and that once he got inside and warmed up a bit and had something to eat, he'd be fine.
My helper cat - he helped with quilting, cross stitching,
blog-writing and playing Ticket To Ride
As the day wore on, he began to move a bit better, but still didn't look like himself.  He was hiding under the bed (well, he's probably a bit scared I thought), he was still sort of limping/dragging himself a bit (maybe he's pulled something) and he wasn't eating or using the kitty litter (well, he hasn't eaten so he doesn't need to 'go').  I'll take him to the vet in the morning, just to get him checked out I thought.  I moved the mattress off the spare bed onto the floor that night so that he could sleep next to me like he normally did - he wasn't up to climbing on the bed, and I'd missed my night-time cuddles.  I was very happy to wake up in the middle of the night to find him curdled up next to him.
Happier times...
Monday morning I rang the vet (after finding a vet - we'd only moved into the area about 6 weeks ago so I didn't have a local vet yet!) and booked an appointment.  I told the girls at work I was just taking him to get checked out, maybe get some antibiotics, I was sure he was going to be fine.

He wasn't.  

It turns out he had a tail-pull injury.  Apparently it's a relatively common injury in cats - it happens when their tail gets caught or pulled hard as they are moving in the opposite direction - for example they run out in front of a car and the car catches their tail.  Sometimes it just dislocates the tail, and sometimes it tears the nerves at the base of the tail.  These are the nerves that control the tail, the bladder and the bowel.  The reason Skimbles wasn't eating was he had a full bladder/bowel, and the reason he wasn't using the kitty litter was because he didn't have any control/function in that area.  You also can't repair the injury.
Just hanging out
And so, I had to say goodbye to my little boy.  I held him tight, told him I loved him, and stayed with him while he drifted off to sleep.  It was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make.  And at the same time it was one of the easiest because I didn't want him to be in pain.  

I'm very glad that he came home Sunday morning, that we got to spend that last Sunday together, and that I moved the mattress onto the floor that night.

Hanging out with Eevee
Eevee and I are slowly adjusting.  She's been a lot more clinging and cuddly this week than she ever was before.  I still jump every time I hear a cat bell - the cat across the road has one on its collar that sounds like Skimbles' bell.  One day I'm going to frame his collar and photo, but not at the moment.
Skimbles' last photo
It's been a long week.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Reflections on the A-Z Challenge

The A-Z Challenge is done and dusted for another year, and now is the time to breath and think about other things for a bit - releasing new patterns, and getting ready for Melbourne Oz Comic Con for a start.
This was my second year in doing the A-Z Challenge, and I set myself a mammoth challenge this year: cross stitch two alphabets AND write about my Harry Potter travels.  Why did I do this to myself?
  1. I've been wanting to write a blog about my Harry Potter travels for a while and this seemed like the perfect opportunity
  2. I didn't want to write about Harry Potter traveling under the Fangirl Stitches blog since that one is linked to my online cross stitch store
  3. I wanted to get back into blogging on the Fangirl Stitches page (after being absent for about 6 months)
  4. I couldn't choose between the two cross stitch alphabets!
  5. Which all led to a crazy, busy, whirlwind month and a half.
Onto the reflections:

I completed the challenge on all three projects - which is the most important thing.  On that note, here are the finished pieces.  Both patterns are available from my Etsy Store.
The Pokemon Alphabet
Fabric - 14 count Bluescape from Sew It All
It's even been framed and given to my sister-in-law for her birthday!
The Supernatural Alphabet
Fabric - 14 count Stormy Sky from Sew It All
The Supernatural photo was taken before the Great Washing Disaster of 2016, which I will tell you about another day. 

I also finished the Harry Potter tour which you can read about on my other blog.  I have a few other places to add that didn't fit into the alphabet, which I will get to soon... I hope!

I met some new people and discovered some new blogs.  My favourites (of course) were the cross stitching ones, particularly the ones where people were stitching my patterns.
There were several others that I enjoyed and visited regularly, 

I didn't visit nearly as many as I wanted to, and didn't get back to visit people as regularly as I wanted to either.  Moving, not having internet for a few days in the lead-up, Easter, travelling, work, as well as trying to finish to cross stitch alphabets AND write two blogs took up most of my time, leaving very little time to read and comment on other blogs.  I'm hoping to do the Blogging Road Trip and get back to visit some of the ones I missed/didn't read enough of, as well as find some more to read.  Thank you to everyone who visited my blog, even if you didn't leave a comment.  Big thanks to those who did leave a comment, and those who managed to visit regularly.  I take my hat off to you.

I got back into the whole blogging thing.  Hopefully it will stick with me a bit longer this time! I need to work out a schedule/regular time where I don't feel so stressed about posting.  I have exciting stories to share with you over the coming weeks including the Great Washing Disaster of 2016 (and how I survived), Unique QR Codes, Market Stalls Dos and Don'ts, as well as several new patterns.

I'll certainly do the challenge again next year, although I will start my stitching A LOT earlier and only work on one... or post about ones I've already finished!  That or only write one blog!  Scheduling posts is certainly the key to surviving the challenge, and having time to visit other blogs - and for a cross stitching blog it means starting early so you aren't madly trying to get your stitching finished on time.  I learnt this lesson last year, forgot it, and learnt it again this year.  Hopefully I remember it about February next year :)

Happy Stitching


Friday, 6 May 2016

Exciting Announcements!

I survived the A-Z challenge for a second year.  This post is nothing to do with that though.  I'm hoping to have some time on Sunday to sit down and reflect on the A-Z Challenge, and write my post sharing my finished pieces, my experiences of the challenge, and my favourite blogs.

My big news is that I'm going to be having a stall at a couple of markets/conventions in the next month - hurray!  I've been busily trying to find where I stashed everything after the move, as well as update and finish-off some new patterns (which I will hopefully have up on Etsy soon) ready for display at the stalls.

Firstly, I will be at the House of Fandom Markets in Brisbane on Saturday 7th May (tomorrow). 
The Fortitude Valley Markets are combining forces with House of Fandom for a huge pop culture & alternative market in the Brunswick St Mall.  Complete with cosplay parade, comic book stalls, kawaii gifts, game traders and more - these markets are set to be an outstanding day of fandom fun.
If you are a Brisbanite, it sounds like it will be a lot of fun and a lot of fantastic hand-made fandom stalls will be there, as well as people selling games, toys, and the POP figurines.

 Secondly - Melbourne, I'm heading your way!  I've just (as in, in the last week) found out that I have been accepted to have a stall at Oz Comic Con!  Melbourne's Oz Comic Con is on 11-12 June - so I've been madly booking flights, organising accommodation, wrangling helpers (the eldest of my 3 brothers) and geeking out over the guest list - John Barrowman (Torchwood) will be there!!!  Just a tad excited.

Thirdly - I'll be back at Brisbane's Oz Comic Con.  That isn't until September, so I have plenty of time to prep and breath before then.

I'm off to finish prepping.

Happy stitching,


Saturday, 30 April 2016

Z - A-Z Cross Stitch Style

Z is for Zubat and Zacariah

It's the last day, the end of the challenge - hurray! We’re up to Z in the A-Z Challenge.  I'm cross stitching two of my alphabet patterns for the challenge - a Pokemon one and a Supernatural one.  Both patterns (plus may others) are available from my Etsy store.  

The Pokemn Alphabet
Z is for Zubat the bat.  I liked Zubat.  He was a bit creepy but fun, and different from the Pokemon you'd been able to catch up to that point.  Zubat was usually one that remained in my game line-up - because he's caught so early in the game, he was usually one of my stronger, and reasonably good against most Pokemon types.

The Supernatural Alphabet
Z is for Zachariah, the last of the angels in this alphabet (and the last character).  I mentioned back in the U post about how over the whole angels-are-focused-and-evil storyline.  As one of the earlier angels, I didn't mind Zacariah's storyline - and if the writers had left it there, that would have been great.  They've just carried it on too long now.  I've also just realised that the angels are one of the few characters who stay dead when they die (apart from Castiel).

Over at Travel Like A Geek I've been working my way through an A-Z of the filming locations used in the Harry Potter series.  Z is for London Zoo.

Well that was an insane, whirlwind month.  I didn't get to visit nearly as many blogs as I'd hoped, so will have to spend some time on the Road-Trip trail over the next few weeks.  Thanks to everyone who stopped by and left comments.  And to those who just stopped by and didn't leave comments.  I've learnt my lesson and will not be doing two alphabets plus a second blog ever again!  Although I did have fun working on both projects.  Check back in a couple of days for my reflections post, when I'll be sharing the finished pictures - maybe even framed (if I can get to the shops to buy appropriate sized frames in time!)

Happy Stitching


Friday, 29 April 2016

Y - A-Z Cross Stitch Style

Y is for Yanma and Yellow-Eyes

It's the second last day which means we’re up to Y in the A-Z Challenge.  I'm cross stitching two of my alphabet patterns for the challenge - a Pokemon one and a Supernatural one.  Both patterns (plus may others) are available from my Etsy store.  

The Pokemon Alphabet
Y is for Yanma, the last of the Pokemon not from the original series.  Yanma is a bug Pokemon from the Gold/Silver/Crystal version.

The Supernatural Alphabet
Y is for the Yellow-Eyed demon, as he is the only demon not to sport the traditional black eyes.  Referred to as "Yellow-Eyes" for ages, we eventually learn that his name is Azazel.  Azazel is responsible for the death of Mary (Dean and Sam's mother) and Jessica, Sam's fiancĂ©e.  Azazel is the main demon/evil/storyline for the first two seasons 

Over at Travel Like A Geek I am working my way through an A-Z of the filming locations used in the Harry Potter series.  Y is for Y Bother, a list of pointless or mistaken trips I made in my Harry Potter hunting.

Happy Stitching


Thursday, 28 April 2016

X - A-Z Cross Stitch Style

X is for Xatu and X-Road Demon

We’re up to X in the A-Z Challenge.  I'm cross stitching two of my alphabet patterns for the challenge - a Pokemon one and a Supernatural one.  Both patterns (plus may others) are available from my Etsy store.  
The Pokemon Alphabet
X is for Xatu, another of the Pokemon not from the original game.  He's from the Gold/Silver/Crystal version (Generation II) and is a psychic Pokemon.

The Supernatural Alphabet
X is for Crawley, The Cross-Road Demon and King of Hell.  Crawley is one of my favourites, mostly because of Mark Sheppard, the actor.  Mark has appeared in both Doctor Who and Firefly, giving him a lot of geek-cred.  Crawley starts life in the show as the Cross-Road Demon, who seals his deals with a kiss (including one with Bobby).  He's helped the Winchester brothers occasionally, although he's mostly double-crossed them and tried to kill them - he's a demon, what do you expect?

Mark Sheppard was a guest at Oz Comic Con in Brisbane in 2015, and my youngest brother had a photo with him

Over at Travel Like A Geek I am working my way through an A-Z of the filming locations used in the Harry Potter series.  X is for "Not Crossed Off"

Happy Stitching


Wednesday, 27 April 2016

W - A-Z Cross Stitch Style

W is for Weezing and Mary Winchester

The letter for the day is W in the A-Z Challenge.  I'm cross stitching two of my alphabet patterns for the challenge - a Pokemon one and a Supernatural one.  Both patterns (plus may others) are available from my Etsy store.  
The Pokemon Alphabet
W is for Weezing, one of the pollution Pokemon.  He is the evolved form of Koffing - another one of those play-on names that I love.  Other than that, I was always a little put off by Weezing - a part of me was a bit disgusted by the idea of using a pollution Pokemon.

The Supernatural Alphabet
W is for Mary Winchester, Sam and Dean's mother.  Mary died when Sam was a baby, and her death sent her husband John on the path to becoming a Hunter.  Mary reappeared in ghost form or dreams during the first couple of seasons, and we meet her younger self when Dean time-travels.  

Over at Travel Like A Geek I am working my way through an A-Z of the filming locations used in the Harry Potter series.  W is for the Warner Bros. Studio Tour

Happy Stitching


Tuesday, 26 April 2016

V - A-Z Cross Stitch Style

V is for Vulpix and Victor

We’re up to V in the A-Z Challenge.  I'm cross stitching two of my alphabet patterns for the challenge - a Pokemon one and a Supernatural one.  Both patterns (plus may others) are available from my Etsy store.  

The Pokemon Alphabet
V is for Vulpix.  Another of my favourite Pokemon - he's just so cute!  I think there's a horse-loving child in every girl at some stage.  

The Supernatural Alphabet
V is for Victor Henriksen, the FBI agent.  Victor goes on the hunt for the Winchester Brothers, due to the trail of bodies they keep leaving in their wake.  I liked Victor - he was one of the few intelligent (and recurring) law enforcement characters on the show.

Over at Travel Like A Geek I am working my way through an A-Z of the filming locations used in the Harry Potter series.  V is for Lacock Village.

Happy Stitching


Monday, 25 April 2016

U - A-Z Cross Stitch Style

U is for Unknown and Uriel

We're into the final week - the countdown is on!  6 posts to go.  And so:

Today's post in the A-Z Challenge is brought to you by the letter "U"..  I'm cross stitching two of my alphabet patterns for the challenge - a Pokemon one and a Supernatural one.  Both patterns (plus may others) are available from my Etsy store.  

The Pokemon Alphabet
U is for Unnown.  What sort of pathetic, lazy name is that.  Unnown is one of the few Pokemon in this alphabet not from the original Red and Blue versions of the game, and so I don't have any personal anecdotes about him. 

The Supernatural Alphabet
U is for Uriel, the angel.  There are a 6 angels in this alphabet - they have very cool, old-fashioned, traditional names and as such use different letters of the alphabet - letters where there is no alternative but another angel.  I'm not really a fan of how many of the angels are portrayed in this series. I find some of their storylines a bit on the nose, a bit cynical, a bit "how more derogatory can we be?"  It started off so well... Personally, I think they need to leave the whole angel/heaven storyline behind and move on.

Over at Travel Like A Geek I am working my way through an A-Z of the filming locations used in the Harry Potter series.  U is for Underground Station.

Happy Stitching


Saturday, 23 April 2016

T - A-Z Cross Stitch Style

T is for Tentacool and Tessa

We’re up to T in the A-Z Challenge.  I'm cross stitching two of my alphabet patterns for the challenge - a Pokemon one and a Supernatural one.  Both patterns (plus may others) are available from my Etsy store.  

The Pokemon Alphabet
 T is for Tentacool.  Tentacool was another of the Pokemon you could fish for before you had the ability to "swim".  I don't have much memory of ever having used Tentacool - it's possible that by the time I captured him I had stronger, more preferred, Pokemon already in my pack.

The Supernatural Alphabet
T is for Tessa, a Reaper.  Not bad or good, Tessa was an agent of Death, one of the Four Horsemen.  I liked the Reaper characters because they were neutral - just carrying out their duty to maintain the order of the universe.  Reminded me of the Angel of Death/Death in other universes - Charmed, Discworld, even Touched by an Angel (that's going back a bit!).

Over at Travel Like A Geek I am working my way through an A-Z of the filming locations used in the Harry Potter series.  T is for the Thames.

Happy stitching
