Monday 20 April 2015

Q is for Question and Quirrell

A to Z Challenge - Q

Q already!  I'm back home, back in Australia and back at work.  Just need to stay on track for the next 9 days to finish the blog challenge and find some more blogs to read!

Q is for "Silence will fall when the Question is asked"
This quote was the over-arching theme for Matt Smith's tender as the Doctor.  It was first mentioned in series 5 although it wasn't until series 6 that we finally found out who The Silence were, the end of series 6 before we found out what the question was and the end of series 7 before the question was (sort-of) answered.  That, in a nutshell, sums up Stephen Moffat: ask a question or pose a mystery 3 YEARS before you bother to answer or explain it.  River Song's life is another great example.  His mystery setting, story building style reminds me a lot of Joss Whedon (Buffy and Firefly) and Rob Thomas (Veronica Mars)

"On the fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the eleventh, when no living creature can speak falsely or fail to answer, a question will be asked, a questions that must never, ever be answered.  The First Question, the oldest question in the universe, that must never be answered, hidden in plain sight."

Brilliantly, that question was (of course) Doctor Who?  I love Stephen Moffat. 

Q is for Quirinus Quirrell
The "bad guy" from The Philosopher's Stone (I'm Australian - we had the proper British titles, not the American publisher's 'our-readers-are-too-dumb-to-know-what-a-philosopher-is' title - I don't think you're dumb, I think your publishers think you are).  Quirrell was presented as the weak, weedy, no backbone, dull professor who it turned out was aiding Voldermort all along.  Who knew?  I love that when you re-read the book or re-watch the movie you can pick up the clues that it's really Quirrell, not Snape, out to ruin Harry's day.

Happy Stitching!


  1. Matt Smith was my favorite Doctor and I always wanted to know more about how him and River. I loved her. And I didn't know the Harry Potter books had different titles in different countries.

    1. More River would always be fantastic - I'd love to see her interact with Capaldi's Doctor. It was only the first Harry Potter book that had a different title in the States (apart from the ones in other languages) - honestly, the statement from the American publishers was along the lines of "People in America won't know what a philosopher is" which I think was a little unfair to its readers :)

  2. Doctor Who, Buffy, and Firefly mentioned in the same paragraph...can we be best friends now? ;)
    Katie @TheCyborgMom

  3. Since all the classic Who's are on Hulu, once I finish Dark Shadows, I'm going to watch as much of the entire series as I can up to now. I've seen the David's numerous times, but I've only seen the Matt's's time to watch them again I guess because I don't really remember this quote (although I do remember the Silence).

    1. For the life of me I cannot remember the exact episode it is mentioned in, but I know it's somewhere in Matt's first season (before we first saw the Silence - who are my second-favourite monsters after the Wheeping Angels)

  4. Lovely stitching as always Roslyn.


  5. Your Quirrel is excellent - especially his headdress:) I'd forgotten about the question posed but I do remember the Silence and I too really liked the unfolding of River Song's life :)

    1. Thanks - took me ages to get the tail of the headdress to sit right! The Silence were brilliant monsters, although I thought the explanaition about how they began/were created (Matt's last episode) was pretty weak.

  6. I like the way you are combining information, with a word stitch and then topping it off with a figure! Great plan for a cross-stitcher!
    Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
    with the A to Z Challenge

    1. Thanks Barbara :) I couldn't choose between Doctor Who and Harry Potter, so had to do both!
