Wednesday, 1 April 2015

A is for Angels and Albus

A to Z Challenge - A

It's time to start the A to Z blogging challenge! Welcome to all those readers popping by on the stroll around the blogosphere.

As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I am going to be stitching the Doctor Who Alphabet of Quotes from my shop, as well as sharing some of my Harry Potter characters.

I've decided to stitch the pattern onto black 18-count aida because
a) I think the pattern will look very effective on the black, and
b) 18 count aida was the only black fabric I had on hand!

I'm also changing the colours to what is in the pattern on my shop.  I love the look of variegated threads and have struggled to find a pattern where they will work effectively.  This pattern, because it is an amalgamation of different quotes, will work perfectly... I hope!  26 different letters gives me a great opportunity to explore 26 different DMC variegated threads.

A is for "Angels have the phone box"
Which comes from the episode "Blink".  This is my hands-down favourite episode of Who.  I love that the main characters are such strong, intelligent characters who go about solving the mystery with the Doctor playing a supporting role (and there's still enough Tennant to satisfy).  I love the concept behind the Weeping Angels.  I don't like what they were turned into in Matt Smith's era, but that's another story.  This episode made me question every stone angle statue going.
Do you add a space between 'phone' and 'box' or not?
I've seen it both ways...
A is for Albus Dumbledore
Professor Dumbledore (I feel rude calling him Albus) initially comes across as your typical strong-father-figure character in epic fantasy novels.  However, he has so many more levels ("layers" as Shrek would say) than that.  There were several moments in the earlier novels that made me stop and go "what did she [JK Rowling] just write?  What was that meant to mean" - looks and fleeting glances that made no sense until the 7th book.  I also really liked Michael Gambon's portrayal of the almost hippie-esk quality of the great wizard.  Nothing against Richard Harris, I just preferred Gambon.

Remember to check back in regularly to stay updated with my stitching progress!  The patterns are available in my shop if you're looking for them ;)

Are you stitching for your blogging challenge?  Let me know - I'd love to find some more crafty people to follow!

Happy stitching :)


  1. How cool is this!!!! I heart the Doctor :) Must follow your blog now...

  2. Your stitching is so clean! I'm jealous!

    1. Thanks :) years and years (and years!) of practice!

  3. Love both of your projects Roslyn. I'm looking forward to following your progress on these this month. I also like your Wesley chart.


  4. Both look great! Can't wait to see your progress on both, as I'm a huge Doctor Who and HP fan!

    1. Thanks :) Looking forward to your progress too

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love your first post of the challenge, Roslyn...
    I would have loved it with just the Angel, but with Professor Dumbledore in the picture, I am at a loss of words of appreciation.
    I really forward to following you to Zee :)

