Friday, 1 May 2015

A to Z Challenge - that's a wrap

(I apologise in advance for the spelling and formatting: I'm writing this on my phone and I have a love/hate relationship with this app!)

All done! I survived the A to Z Challenge! Phew. 

I was going to post a bit of a reflection today but I haven't been able to get my head in the right space this evening - I've been working on a non-a2z, non-swap cross stitch instead. In fact it's even a non-Fangirl Stitches piece! Maybe tomorrow...

However, I am going to share my finished piece as promised:

The Doctor Who Alphabet of Quotes cross stitch - pattern available from

For the second part of this challenge, I was sharing some of my stitched Harry Potter characters. I have made dozens of these and have patterns for many more characters and outfits I haven't stitched yet (and some I haven't uploaded to the Etsy store yet)- it would take me weeks to cover them all in their own post. So instead here's a pic of some of them- how many can you name?

Happy Stitching!


  1. This all looks totally amazing - I just can't believe how hard you've worked all through this A to Z - I hope you booked a holiday sometime in May so you can have a bit of a rest! Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

    1. Nope - working hard! Our end of term holidays were in April (which should have helped except I went to Malaysia for a week!) so no break for me. And several busy weekends coming up so things might be a bit light-on blog wise :)

  2. They look great Roslyn.


  3. some lovely work - what a good idea to use the stitched images - from a fellow crafter/A-Z er - who got thro, but not unscathed! smile

    1. Thanks Julz - relieved I made it to the end!

  4. That is an amazing piece of stitchery from the A to Z Challenge. I am just not crafty! Today I am visiting on the A to Z Road Trip. Hope to see you around
